“A Negro Dreams of Rivers”
“A Negro Dreams of Rivers.”…I’ve known rivers:
I’ve known rivers ancient as the world and older than the
flow of human blood in human veins.My soul has grown deep like the rivers. Read More
“A Negro Dreams of Rivers.”…I’ve known rivers:
I’ve known rivers ancient as the world and older than the
flow of human blood in human veins.My soul has grown deep like the rivers. Read More
Goodbye Twentieth Century
From death camps to space
It’s been a race
So much pain and so much gain
As we sought to find
A new way to frame
our future and our past
in a way that would last
beyond our foibles and our foolishness
and kiss goodbye all our ghoulishness
and leave behind those memories
Earthbound and earth-hugging
As if History itself had been
the victim of a mugging
and the only cure for Auschwitz
is the comedy of Space
Herr Hegel talked about Being
And said consciousness can be freeing
And about how in this modern age of ours
We all know that we’re free
So maybe the cure for what ailed us
In that century that often failed us
With death camp and gulag,
with wars that were global
Is to count on space flight
to make us more noble
What better way to escape
from all that depravity
Than by going up up and up
away from all that Gravity
’till memories of Hell just simply fall away
like the morning fog
on a late August day
Retreating in mid-morning
From the San Francisco Bay
– David Klein
We have more phones today ever, so we do more talking on the phone.
Do we do more thinking too, because we do more talking?
Maybe we do less thinking because we do more talking and the fact
that we think less, instead of leading to our talking less, leads us to the exact
opposite state of affairs so that instead of talking less and thereby creating
the possibility of thinking more we (instead) think mainly about what we’re
going to say/do/eat /watch (as in tv) next without any thought of whether
this/these actions will be good, bad or indifferent nor any thought about
whether this planet-wide explosion of cell phones, smart phones, tablets,
mobile devices, mp3 players and all the rest of this specific, general and/or
all-purpose digital stuff,shyte and whatever else that we have invented to talk
now and forever with every-and anybody else on the planet or on other
planets) instantly,instantaneously and maybe someday or soon at or
exceeding the speed of light until we become a jungle full of parrots (no
offense to same/they haven’t become the slaves of technology and probably
make more sense in their nonstop nattering than we do iin ours)chattering
ourselves into an oblivion of devolution and rapid-fire texting sans sight, sans
mind and sans meaning.