Sky God…a Poem

tropical beach

tropical beach

Sky God…a poem

Some imagine a God that lives in the sky, cosmic and loving and time-ruling and more passionate than passion itself.

They try to please him and be as good as him and devote their lives to transforming themselves in and into his/her image.

This dweller on high – high in the sky and even way above the deep blue that lies above – what skies do I imagine he rules and how does he/she rule them?

I want to worship a sky God of the south… warm and fuzzy and endlessly Venusian, an embryo that houses the most artful mansions of the soul; bearer of astral mysteries and portal to the beauty of what lies beyond

The spirituality of the saved and enlightened, those noble chords in their most refined octaves – the Sermon on the Mount, the Ten Commandments, the light-filled maxims of Gautama Buddha, the Scorpio-sharp sayings of the Arabian prophet –
– let them laugh themselves into existence with all the sweetness of a baby’s breath…carried along by the gentlest of breezes that stir the fronds of a rapt and waiting congregation of coconut palms lining a moon-kissed beach.

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See also  A Poem..."On Human Speech"

Categories: Poetry


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