Must Read List of Books




Amazon book editors’ “100 Books To Read In A Lifetime.” Many of the books are 20th century classics or recent bestsellers — the oldest book on the list is Jane Austen’s 1813 masterpiece “Pride and Prejudice.”

Must Read List of Books

A must-read list of books by Megan Willett for Business Insider…Ms. Willett has given us a thought-provoking must read list of books from the editors at the world’s online literary marketplace.

It also spanned multiple genres, with adult fiction, nonfiction, children’s, and young adult novels such as “The Hunger Games” and “Harry Potter” making the list.

“With 100 Books to Read in a Lifetime, we set out to build a roadmap of a literary life without making it feel like a homework assignment,” Sara Nelson, Editorial Director of Print and Kindle Books at Amazonsaid in a press release. “Over many months, the team passionately debated and defended the books we wanted on this list. In other words, we applied plenty of the bookish equivalent of elbow-grease, and we can’t wait to hear what customers have to say about our final picks.”

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 …o.k….you’re working and going to school full time so you barely have enough time to make breakfast – let alone gorge yourself on the world”s greatest literature.Maybe you don’t have time for all 100 right now.  Here are 35 you simply can’t do without if you’re a tried and true bookworm:

And/or if you’re still young enough to be somewhat unclear about who Dwight D. Eisenhower – or even Jimmy carter, for that matter – here’s a list of books you must read before you turn 30:

See also  On Picking A Winning Book

sLittle differences over a long lifetime create big disparities. This is the nature of compounding. If you make decisions only a little better than your cohort that should translate into a big difference over a lifetime.

Someone who saves money for retirement is probably going to be in a better situation come 65 than someone who didn’t start saving until they were 45.

Here are five books that I think everyone should read before they turn 30. Reading and understanding these will give you an edge, however slight, that will increase the odds that things will work out to your satisfaction. When you’re a rich billionaire because of this, just remember me ok.

1. “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion
Psychologist Robert Cialdini introduces the universal principles of influence: reciprocation, scarcity, authority, commitment, liking, and consensus. Sure you can watch the short video but its not the same. Buy the book. Why do you need to learn these? To paraphrase Publius Syrus, ‘He can best avoid a snare who knows how to set one.’ After you read this book move on to “Poor Charlie’s Almanack.”

2. “Seeking Wisdom: From Darwin To Munger
The last time I mentioned this book Farnam Street readers flooded my inbox. I’ll try to address the two primary concerns that appeared. First, if you can’t find it new just purchase a used copy. Who cares? Second: Yes it’s an “expensive” book. Ignorance is more expensive. Just buy it.

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