Film Reviews by Jessica Ploumis


Film reviews by Jessica Ploumis… would like to welcome Ms.Jessica Ploumis as a film reviewer. Her lively and insightful column, film reviews by Jessica Ploumis, will be a regular feature in/of our film category.

“Everything I learned, I learned from the movies.” – Audrey Hepburn

Film Reviews by Jessica Ploumis

Hello, my name is Jessica Ploumis. I am a film obsessed writer who dabbles in feature film as well as sitcom writing. In college I studied English Literature, but after graduation I moved to New York to study screenwriting. While in NY I was exposed to the most amazing films, teachers, and screenwriters from all over the world. The best days were spent debating the validity of the opening scene in the Godfather or breaking down the private moments and the elements of tension-layering in The Dark Knight.

The list of movies I love goes on for an eternity and includes every genre. What I love most are the films that captivate you and make you ask questions about what is going on in your own life. Good films not only need to be watched, but devoured like an amazing dinner from your favorite restaurant. They need to be discussed and shared and recognized for making us laugh, cry, angry, or filled with renewed hope.

See also  Vibrato

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