Hold Off On That First Cup Of Coffee!


Hold Off On That First Cup Of Coffee! why-you-shouldn´t-drink-coffee-before-9:30am from Good Housekeeping

If you’re a coffee drinker, you may think that waiting an hour to have your first cup is simply impossible – but research has deemed that this the best time to drink it in the morning.

A discussion over good and bad breakfast habits appearing on Gastropod.com had scientists explaining that if you have a 9-5 work lifestyle, the best time to drink your cup of Joe is around 9:30am.

You won’t get a caffeine hit any earlier because your body’s cortisol (a hormone that controls blood sugar) levels peak between 8am and 9a

And not only do you not need it, you will likely require more later on to feel a similar boost.

If you feel like you’ve become immune to the powers of coffee, you may want to consider your timetable… or switching to tea if you’re drinking more than is healthy.


See also  A Few More Facts About Coffee

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